08 August 2005

Beer for One

Whoa, Seaver backtimed tonight! It's 8pm on the dot, and it's time to Get the Led Out. Nice... it's about time you nailed it. And HEY NOW... what's this? Seaver's starting the segment all by himself. No lame callers! Glad to hear you step up, man. Play what you want. Get the fucking Led Out.

"Yeah, Seaver here. Been awhile since we visited the Presence album. This is the one where Robert Plant recorded the vocals from a wheelchair after a car crash. Let's Get the Led Out! Cut 7. Tea for One. 97-9. The Loop!"

To the point, with some good info to consider while we're rocking. You're on your way, Seaver.

Tonight I was afraid I wasn't going to make it home in time to Get the Led Out. Just walked in a few minutes ago... it was a long day at work, and I'm sweating like Rush Limbaugh at his drug hearing. Today the bosses found a new way to fuck the workers... so it's pretty damn sweet to come home, kick back, and finally Get the Led Out properly. Simple pleasures... simple pleasures. Now that I think about it, it has been awhile since we visited the Presence album. The WLUP features page does promise Zeppelin deep cuts, after all. Thanks, Seaver... nice start.

Maybe I shouldn't complain too much about work. They do look away when I'm late every morning, though it's rarely more than 30 minutes past start time. Cuts are happening all over the company, so it's probably safe to say they prefer not to pay me for the time I'm not there. Oh woe is me... such is the the life of a timeclock puncher.

"Mornin' Sam."
"Oh, uh... good morning, Ralph."

Ahhh... Hot Dog! Nice one, Seaver. Another relatively unpopular Zeppelin song I wholeheartedly defend. Interesting choice... I commend you.

Mondays are damn tough for me. I suppose they are for everyone, as the cliche goes. It's not like I'm a wildman living in the moment, but I tend to make decisions that aren't best for me in the short run (if not the long run). Last night Nick Digilio was just kicking ass his first couple hours, in a great sort of stream-of-consciousness format. Peter Jennings (RIP) bought the farm right before Nick's airtime, so he interspersed some memories (not failing to mention the classic OJ prank from 10 ?! years ago) with some random just wacky shit. From there he went off the wall, teasing his upcoming movie segment that didn't start until well into the last hour of his show. The second hour was insane... I can't even remember what was going on (voicemail clips and other audio segments), but I was cracking up never tuned out. He's the movie guy at WGN, but he can be so much more than that if he's on a roll.

But anyway, since I stayed up so late listening to Nick... I completely missed Stern and was late for work this morning. Again, oh woe is me.

OK... Fool in the Rain. Not bad... I like it alright. Not my favorite, but props to JPJ rocking the keyboards. It's going to be real tough to forgive Seaver for what he did on Friday, but I'm willing to try.


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