Communication Breakdown
After a brief DSL meltdown, intense changes in climate (damn 104F weather), and mostly just general laziness, I plan on finally starting this bloggy thing this week.
Meanwhile, it was a real treat to hear Byrd on the air broadcasting live before the Ozzfest. I could give a shit about Ozzy (Sabbath ruled... 30+ years ago), Maiden (never got it), or Velvet Revolver (c'mon Slash... you're this close to pulling a Navarro), but Byrd was down there rocking for every sucker who couldn't make it out to Shitley Park, IL. That's his job, and he takes his work seriously. It is Byrd's duty to rock, and to rock hard enough for those of us who can't.
But the BEST part was when some jackass yelled "Screw you, Byrd!"
while Byrd's mic was open. Byrd didn't miss a beat while giving his radio faithful the Ozzfest info they needed. If I were there, I would have chased that guy down. But Byrd doesn't need anyone to get his back. I can't help but wonder though... just how did Byrd react off the air, while still rocking on the air? Maybe he shot him a stone cold stare... maybe he flipped him off... maybe he tripped him with his cowboy boot. Whatever Byrd chose to do, I know that guy felt his wrath. Byrd can handle himself. Don't fuck with Byrd.
So after this rambling entry, I must restate my mission with this blog. My goal remains to make The Loop to realize that Byrd is more valuable in the evening shift than he is in the mornings. Maybe I'm being selfish, but I want Byrd back on at a time when the sun's going down. And perhaps I'm a pansy (or maybe it's just because I'm not Byrd), but I just can't rock in the morning (Stern is my go-to guy in the early hours). Even though Byrd can handle the late nights of rocking along with the morning show (he probably doesn't go to bed before his shift), it's just easier on a man's constitution to sleep in late after a night of heavy rocking.Plus, just look at this Seaver character. He can't Get the Led Out.
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